Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fish Short Story Prize 2012/13 (?3,000) ? Creative Writing Contests

Enter Online

Philip O?Ceallaigh ?is the judge.

We are honoured that he will select the best ten stories for publication in the?2013 Fish Anthology.

Philip?is the acclaimed author of two collections of short stories, Notes From a Turkish Whorehouse, and The Pleasant Light of Day. He is described by Joseph O?Connor as an author who is ?touched by greatness.?

Closing Date:?30 November 2012.

Word limit is 5,000. There is no restriction on theme or style, and the prize is open to writers from all countries who are writing in English.

Ten best stories published.

First Prize:??3,000, of which ?1,000 is for travel to the launch of the Fish Anthology in July 2013 at the West Cork Literary Festival.

Second Prize:?a week at the Anam Cara Writers Retreat in West Cork, plus ?300.

Third prize:??300.

Entry fee is ?20 (?10 subsequent entries). Online Entry. Once you register and enter online, you can login and check your entry(ies) at any time.

Results will be announced on 17 March on the Fish website, and sent out in the newsletter.

Stories must not have been published previously, and must be eligible for publication in the 2013 Fish Anthology.

Stories cannot be altered or changed after they have been entered. Judging at all stages is anonymous. Names or addresses must not appear on the stories, but on a separate sheet if entering by post, or in the appropriate place if entering online.

Postal entries: ?22 (?12 subsequent entries)

Address: Fish Publishing, Durrus, Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Roddy Doyle, Dermot Healy and Colum McCann are honorary patrons of the Fish Short Story Prize.

*?Full Details?*

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?Whatever the struggle, continue the climb. It may be only one step to the summit.? - Diane Westlake

Then I received from our son, " Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets. "

I needed to hear this. Thank you, Gregory Patrick

Gaming had always been a form of family entertainment long before the invention of home computers and video game consoles. One type of game played for thousands of years is board games-especially throughout the 20th century. Unfortunately with technology, not many families still play board games. We tried to introduce Board Games to the children when they were growing up. One was Trivial Pursuit and the other was Scrabble. We did play Monopoly but not too often. As technology got fancier, and children got phones- the board games were less and less. This saddens me. Whatever happened to 'stick ball' , Hide and Seek, or Football Tackle. There are Board Games that have stood the test of time . Numerous board games have been created for the entire family to play. Children as young as six years old are have been able to play some of these timeless board games.

Monopoly is one of the most classic of board games created in the early 1900s. Several updated versions of it have been created since Parker Brothers first produced it in 1935. The most recent version of it created is the 70th Anniversary Monopoly Here and Now Electronic Banking Edition. The object of Monopoly is for one player to use both luck (roll of the dice) and strategy (careful financial investment) to become the most economically superior power. This action is achieved when the winning player is able to gain control over the most personal properties, utility companies, and financial opportunities. The game ends when one or more players go bankrupt. The history of Monopoly can be traced back to 1903, when an American woman named Elizabeth (Lizzie) J. Magie Phillips created a game through which she hoped to be able to explain the single tax theory of Henry George (it was intended to illustrate the negative aspects of concentrating land in private monopolies). Her game, The Landlord's Game,was commercially published in 1923. A series of variant board games based on her concept were developed from 1906 through the 1930s that involved the buying and selling of land and the development of that land. By 1934,?the board ?game? was called Monopoly.

This game? RISK, was created by Albert Lamorisse, and originally marketed in France under the name La Conqu?te du Monde (The Conquest of the World) in 1957. Risk was also published by Parker Brothers in 1959. The original game board of Risk is a map divided into 42 territories grouped on six continents, similar to the way the world was divided during the time Napoleon was alive. The object of this game is to conquer the world by way of opponent player elimination. I was a fan of RISK. I rather play Battleship.

Scrabble is one of the most well-known letter crossword games. Earlier versions of it were created in the early 1930s, and then the name Scrabble was trademarked in 1948. This is by far, the game I enjoy the most next to Trivial Pursuit. I love words. This game finally became a success after Alfred Mosher Butts and James Brunot joined forces. By 1952 Scrabble had been licensed to Selchow & Righter Company.
The main goal in Scrabble is to be the last person to be able to form words with remaining letter tiles. Points are given for every word formed, and the player with the most points wins the game.

This game, Trivial Pursuit ?was first co-invented in 1979 by Scott Abbot and Chris Hanley in Canada. It showed up at a U.S. toy fair in 1982, and the game rights were sold to Parker Brothers in 1984. The main object of the game is to answer the most trivia points correctly, and to advance to the end of the game board There are many versions now. I enjoyed getting those colored Pies. ? The games I remember vividly as a child in addition to monopoly were the following: ? The board game Chutes and Ladders were invented in 1943. The Game of Life, also known simply as LIFE, is a board game originally created in 1860 by Milton Bradley, as The Checkered Game of Life (and later produced by the Milton Bradley Company of Springfield, Massachusetts. Trouble" was invented by Kohner brothers in 1963. It was launched across the United States 14 months later in 1965
I want to do something this weekend that? requires no thought. It will require entering my 'craft closet' and fumbling on the top shelf for a jigsaw puzzle. I then have to make the decision for which one- honeybees, herbal or Dali . John Spilsbury invented the jigsaw puzzle in 1767. Spilsbury was an engraver and mapmaker. The first jigsaw puzzle was a map of the world. Paint by numbers was invented in 1950 by Dan Robbins who was employed by the Palmer Paint Company

What will you do this weekend ?

Until tomorrow...


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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Texas students tracked with ID computer chips

One of the largest high school districts in Texas is under fire for requiring students to wear ID cards embedded with microchips that allow them to be located in an instant. School officials say the district was losing almost $2 million a year because of poor attendance. NBC's Janet Shamlian reports.

By Bob Sullivan

Privacy's last stand is taking place not far from The Alamo in Texas right now, to hear some people tell it. Two schools in San Antonio have begun tracking students using radio-enabled computer chips embedded in their ID cards, allowing administrators to know the precise whereabouts of their charges on campus -- be it in class, in the bathroom, in a stairwell or AWOL -- all while sitting at a computer.??

The stated purpose of the so-called RFID ID cards is simple: Because state aid is based on attendance, and the chips help schools count kids, tracking equals funding. The district also says the technology makes kids safer.

But at the intersection of technology, parenting, schools and privacy rights, things frequently get messy. Are schools merely modernizing, or are they teaching children to silently accept a Big Brother state? Should parents be happy that teachers can more easily keep tabs on their kids, or should they worry that vast databases of detailed location information might one day harm the children?

Technology with potential privacy implications is shoehorning its way into schools around the country, creating thorny issues at every turn.

Should district be allowed to demand middle-schooler's Facebook password?

Before San Antonio's implementation, Houston ran a trial in 2010 and found the RFID ID cards did in fact help boost attendance figures. RFID tracking has also been tried in California, where one preschool embeds chips in kids' clothes. Biometrics -- usually fingerprints -- have been used by some schools. In Carroll Country, Md., some kids now flash their palms instead of cash to pay for food. And the Daily Princetonian earlier this month revealed that new keyless locks opened by ID cards installed in dorm rooms feed a central database that records each time students enter buildings and rooms. University officials responded to the story the way every school does -- and nearly every data collection authority does -- by?saying officials don't monitor the data but they reserve the right to access it in an emergency.

Children desensitized to being watched?
The definition of an emergency can be dicey, however, and that logic has already led to some celebrated privacy and technology lawsuits. Several districts around the nation have run into trouble for demanding students' social media passwords or asking to rummage through kids' cellphones without a warrant.?

A few parents in San Antonio are putting up a stink about the RFID cards, arguing that schools shouldn't be a playground for new privacy-invading technologies. A group calling itself "Chip Free Schools" has tried to organize opposition. Another parent is objecting on religious grounds.

Gov't agencies, colleges demand applicants' Facebook passwords

Chip Free Schools has received support from a larger privacy advocacy group -- Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering, or CASPIAN, which was formed more than 10 years ago to protest the proliferation of supermarket loyalty cards.

"RFID is used to track factory inventory and monitor farm animals," said Dr. Katherine Albrecht, director of CASPIAN. "Schools, of all places, should be teaching children how to participate in a free democratic society, not conditioning them to be tracked like cattle."

Of course, the fight against loyalty cards didn't get very far, and privacy concerns may take a back seat as schools are tempted by new technologies that help them manage their districts, warns Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst with the American Civil Liberty Union?s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project.

It's often hard to see the long-term privacy issues created by technology through the fog created by short-term gains, he warned. Location tracking can have a chilling effect on casual congregating, for example -- kids who consider forming a club may skip the idea once they are aware that administrators will know about every meeting.?

"The consequences of tracking are that as people become more aware they are being tracked, they become less free," he said.

There's also concern that students who learn to accept tracking as teen-agers will enter adulthood desensitized to being watched by government agencies.

"Schools shape children not just by what they tell them, but also what we demonstrate to them," he said. "We don't want to see the next generation of citizens growing up thinking about this kind of invisible eye in the sky."

Teens and parents say a school district in Texas has no right to use a new ID badge, referred to as the radio frequency identification system, to track their movement on campus. WOAI's Darlene Dorsey reports.

'Prisoners in their own schools'
There are also several practical problems with tracking students and collecting data on them, Stanley warned.? The practice can provide a false sense of security, for example, as kids might find a way to separate themselves from their RFID chips ("As a parent, I would wonder, do they know where your kid is, or do they know where your kid's chip is?" Stanley said). While the data might be collected for one use -- paying for lunch -- there might be mission creep. One day, it could be used as part of an adjudication procedure to find witnesses to a fight, for example. Long term, perhaps it will end up in the hands of political operatives, forcing a future presidential candidate to explain why he missed so many history classes.?There's some concern?-- theoretical at this point -- that the radio signal sent by the chip or the data collected could be stolen by others who might harm children.?And there are worries about the cost.

NBC News' Charles Hadlock on the school's controversial use of tracking technology

"You should ask, 'Is this just a gimmicky solution to a problem that's been solved already, like using lunch money,? and the funds might be better spent on education?? " he said.

Katie Deolloz, who is helping coordinating RFID ID card opposition for CASPIAN, argued that the switch to an RFID card was really motivated by money.

"Students deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, not forced to wear microchips that track them like cattle," she said. "(The district) has spent upward of $500,000 solving a non-problem. Relying on RFID to track and monitor students during the school day shifts the burden of responsibility away from the administrators and teachers. (The district) needs to be in the business of educating children, not treating them like prisoners in their own schools."

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Stanley concedes that parents confronted with tracking technology at schools might have a very different reaction than privacy advocates. Many already pay cellphone providers so they can use mobile GPS tracking tools to keep tabs on their children.?Parents also tend to keep kids much closer at hand then they did a generation ago, when it was common for kids to spend entire days biking around the neighborhood unsupervised. When concerns about school tracking are raised, they sometimes respond with a simple shrug.?

Meanwhile, school officials point out that students have reduced civil rights when on campus. According to school spokesman Pascual Gonzalez, the kids have no right to privacy at school.

"During the school day, when they are within our four walls, we've got to know where those kids are," he said.?"We reject the argument (that their privacy is being invaded). People saying that are not charged with the safety of children."

He dismissed the idea that the cards represent a tracking device, calling it instead a "locator."

"There is nobody sitting at a bank of monitors looking at a bunch of dots on a computer screen," he said. "We only go and look for a student when we have reason to.|

Implementation of the RFID pilot program -- which involves 4,200 students at two of the district's 112 schools?-- has gone on without a hitch, he said.?

So far, it appears parents are buying the district's argument. Gonzalez says only two district families are opposing the cards.?If those students continue to refuse to wear the cards, they are subject to being kicked out of school, he said.

Stanley said he's not surprised at the lack of protest from parents. Many have become much more comfortable with the technology, and there is an apparent lack of consequences stemming from its use. There are no tales of sexual predators hacking databases of kids' fingerprints, no evil school principals who've posted detailed charts of kids' whereabouts on their Facebook page. So when the cost-benefit analysis is presented, it's hard to spell out that cost.

"With privacy, the issue is almost like the environment. We have to ask what kind of society we want to create long term," he said. "These things do have a very real effect on our freedom, but it's very gradual and often very subtle."

* Follow Bob Sullivan on Facebook.

* Follow Bob Sullivan on Twitter.


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A Real Estate Investor's Best Friend: Stubbornness


The scenario: You check out a property, figure out estimated repair costs, and head back to your computer. You look at comparable homes and figure out an ARV (after-repair-value). You type this numbers into your spreadsheet and you get a key key number: the maximum price you should purchase a property for.

The above number is what I am thinking about when I say?stubbornness?is a real estate investor?s best friend. Obviously, this characteristic isn?t ideal to have in many other business or life situations, but when it comes to the maximum price you should purchase a property for,?stubbornness?is truly your best friend!

This may seem obvious, but in the heat of battle, it can become easy to lose perspective. I recently wrote an article about a Facebook Stalker, and I will be using that very same real life experience to illustrate my points for ?why? you need to be stubborn, along with ?how? it is easy to start making excuses for yourself.

The Set-Up

Through my marketing, I came across a buyer who was interested in a house. Since I am a real estate agent, and figured it was a possible quick opportunity at some?commission, I met the buyer at the home to show them around. It was a house in a nice little area, in a good school district and it was very close to grocery stores,?restaurants, and entertainment.

Those were the pros, but there were cons as well . . .

First, there were two front doors on the same porch (looked very goofy). I later found out that the husband had a home office for his business, so they installed the separate door for access to the office. While it makes sense, come resell time, it was biting them in the butt.

Second, the only bathroom in the house had to be accessed ?through? a bedroom. In other words, if I wanted to get to the bathroom, I had to enter into one of the bedrooms in order to get there. This is certainly not good from a seller?s standpoint. There were a couple other minor things; however, the two above issues were more than enough to seal the deal for potential buyers who didn?t want it.

The Opportunity

From an investor standpoint, this was a no?brainer opportunity. Simply replace the door with a window, build a tiny little hallway to isolate the bathroom from the bedroom, and BOOM, the lay-out makes sense and it becomes?sell-able. Given the feedback from the real estate agent selling the home, these items were exactly what was turning people off to the home. When I showed the buyers through, the property had been on the market for 60 days already, and I knew it would sit longer.

I went home, plugged and chugged the?appropriate?numbers and then I had it? drum roll please?the all important maximum price I could pay for the property. Real estate is a numbers game, and this crucial number that my spreadsheet spit out at me is the number that will define how long you last in this business (or how long you have it as a hobby).

I got a hold of their listing agent, told her that while my buyers were not interested (due to the above mentioned items), I was interested. I then told her that I am an investor, so my number would be much lower than where her seller?s was. She of course wasn?t going to turn down and reject a simple offer, so I told her what I?d be willing to pay.

Be Stubborn #1

This is when it is easy to be stubborn. I knew the offer wouldn?t get accepted, but I was planting that seed. As expected, the offer was denied; however, the sellers did budge some on their price. While not even close to the type of ?budging? I needed, it was a reduction nonetheless, so it showed they were starting to get anxious.

I told the agent that the price was too high, but to keep my number?in case?their sellers wanted to re-entertain?my offer.

Be Stubborn #2

Fast forward three weeks and an email pops into my inbox. It was from their agent, who was wondering if I was still interested. After expressing to her that I was indeed still interested, they hit me up with an offer that was better than what their previous one had been.

What was this feeling? What was this urge? What was this little evil voice in my head? I started to find myself trying to rationalize their new offer. I mean they had just lowered the asking price on the MLS and now they were willing to give me an even cheaper price??!?! That?s a deal isn?t it? WRONG!

After slapping myself in the face and dunking my head in ice water, I replied back that while I appreciated their willingness to?negotiate, due to my estimated repairs and other costs, I still needed the house at my original offer.

Be Stubborn #3

Fast forward one month. I get a voicemail from their agent asking if I was still interested. Well of course I was! After some?corresponses? she told me that they were now willing to accept an even lower amount.

BEWARE: This is where I (and probably) you will begin to highly consider ditching your trustworthy friend:?stubbornness.

It sure was easy saying ?no thank you? that first time, but now it had been almost 2 months and they were willing to drop the price quite a bit from where we first began. Surely that makes it a good deal at this point in time ? right???

This is why I LOVE numbers. They don?t care about external variables like that. Numbers won?t let your mind?deceive?you. Numbers don?t listen to that little evil voice that is trying to turn your business into a giant headache. Numbers are our friends, and the sooner you realize that, the easier and easier it becomes to keep?stubbornness?as your friend.

Be Stubborn #4

Fast forward yet another month. We are now sitting at three months from when I offered up my original offer. What is this? A voicemail from that agent? Again, she called and was wondering if I was still interested. Why of course I am!

The offer came in, and it was ohhhhh sooooo close, BUT NOT where I needed it. My fingers had never felt so heavy as I typed out the email rejecting the offer. That little evil voice was not so subtle anymore. It was screaming at me! ?Just do the deal! What are you waiting for? You?ve been stubborn for 3 months! Quit it!?

I?m not trying to be overly dramatic, but in the heat of the moment, out of pure anxiousness to get another deal going, I so wanted to just forget about what the spreadsheet told me and listen to the voice and the emotion. I?m sure anyone who has been in the business long enough can relate to the feeling.

The Pay-Off

Maybe three hours later, I get an email. It was the agent saying the buyer?s would accept my original offer.

Did I read that right? I did!

Did I almost three hours earlier blow the deal (on my end) by accepting their final offer to me? I did!

Thank you my good friend?stubbornness, thank you!

The project went on to be a very solid deal and is one of my best yielding land contracts in the?portfolio. I?m glad I stuck to my guns and didn?t ditch my best friend.

The Lesson

#1?If you haven?t heard it, listen up as there is NO (none, nada, zilch, zero) truer statement than this: you make money when you buy.

While it may not be impossible to still make money by paying too much, you might as well head to the?pharmacy?and pick up a few boxes of Advil and?Tylenol.?You?re going to need it over the course of the project to keep it profitable.

#2? Listen to the numbers. They are unbiased and tell you the true story. They keep that little voice in the back of your head in check.

#3? It takes effort. I?ve now embraced stubbornness as my friend, but it wasn?t easy at first. Heck, if I?m still being honest, once in a while I need to stare at the numbers a bit longer just to make sure I don?t ditch my friend. It may sound easy to just keep rejecting offers, but in the moment, things can get a bit tricky with your business emotions.

Photo: Angie Garrett

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Author: Clay Huber

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Why astronauts experience low blood pressure after returning to Earth from space

Friday, October 26, 2012

When astronauts return to Earth, their altitude isn't the only thing that drops?their blood pressure does too. This condition, known as orthostatic hypotension, occurs in up to half of those astronauts on short-term missions (two weeks or less) and in nearly all astronauts after long-term missions (four to six months). A new research report published online in The FASEB Journal solves the biological mystery of how this happens by showing that low gravity compromises the ability of arteries and veins to constrict normally, inhibiting the proper flow of blood. Prevention and treatment strategies developed for astronauts may also hold promise for elderly populations on Earth who experience orthostatic hypotension more than any other age group.

"The idea of space exploration has been tantalizing the imagination of humans since our early existence. As a scientist, I have had the opportunity to learn that there are many medical challenges associated with travel in a weightless environment, such as orthostatic hypotension, bone loss and the recently recognized visual impairment that occurs in astronauts," said Michael D. Delp, Ph.D., a researcher involved in the work from the Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, and the Center for Exercise Science at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. "Although I have come to realize that it is unlikely I will ever get to fulfill my childhood dream of flying in space, I take great satisfaction with helping in the discovery of how microgravity alters the human body and how we can minimize these effects, so humans can safely explore the bounds of our universe."

To make this discovery, Delp and colleagues examined arteries and veins from mice housed at Kennedy Space Center in Florida with blood vessels from groups of mice flown on three of the last five space shuttle missions?STS-131, STS-133 and STS-135. Mice flown on the STS-131 and STS-135 missions were tested immediately after returning to Earth, whereas mice from STS-133 were tested one, five and seven days after landing. Not only did they find that these mice experienced the equivalent of orthostatic hypotension in humans, they also discovered that it takes as many as four days in normal gravity before the condition is reversed.

"There has been considerable interest in sending humans to the moon, asteroids, and Mars," said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal, "but what we're finding is that extended space missions have their own inherent risks above and beyond the obvious. If we ever hope to visit distant worlds for extended periods of time?or colonize them permanently?we've got to figure out how to mitigate the effects that low and no gravity has on the body. This report brings us an important step closer to doing just that."


Dominguez II, Judy M. Muller-Delp, and Michael D. Delp. Effects of spaceflight and ground recovery on mesenteric artery and vein constrictor properties in mice. FASEB J doi:10.1096/fj.12-218503 ;

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology:

Thanks to Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 17 time(s).


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Hands-on with MSI's S20 Slidebook, a $1,099 Windows 8 convertible Ultrabook (update: video)

Handson with MSI's S20 Slidebook Windows 8 convertible Ultrabook

We just got more hands-on time with MSI's S20 Slidebook, which we first spotted at Computex 2012. This ultra light (2.3 pounds / 1kg) and thin (0.78-inches / 19.8mm) convertible Ultrabook runs Windows 8 (naturally) and packs an Intel Core i5 processor (Ivy Bridge), 4GB RAM and a 128GB mSATA SSD. In front, there's a gorgeous 11.6-inch 1920x1080-pixel IPS display with a 10-point capacitive multitouch layer plus an HD front-facing camera. A glossy white plastic bezel surrounds the glass panel and incorporates the MSI logo and the Windows button. The back cover is made of a silver magnesium alloy with matching plastic antenna covers for the built-in WiFi b/g/n, WiDi and Bluetooth 4.0 radios. Most of the ports are on the right edge along with the power / lock key and LED indicators -- this includes the power input, a standard 3.5mm headphone jack, a mini-HDMI output and a pair of USB 3.0 connectors. You'll find a gigabit Ethernet port on the left side plus an SD card reader, orientation lock button and volume rocker in back.

Of course, what sets the S20 apart is its ability to switch instantly from a tablet into a usable laptop. The screen slides up and tilts forward to reveal a chiclet keyboard with excellent key travel and decent spacing. You're not limited to any specific angle here -- the display is fully adjustable from flat to almost perpendicular with the keyboard. The sealed 3-cell 3900mAh battery is rated for 7 hours of continuous operation. We spent several minutes using the Slidebook and came away pretty impressed -- it's incredibly light for its size, the screen is bright and crisp, and the keyboard is comfortable. Even in prototype form, performance and buid-quality are top-notch. MSI plans to make its convertible Ultrabook available late November for $1,099 through major US retailers both online and in stores. The company expects to sell other configurations in other markets as well. Take a look at our gallery below and hit the break for our hands-on video.

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Hands-on with MSI's S20 Slidebook, a $1,099 Windows 8 convertible Ultrabook (update: video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 19:12:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, October 26, 2012

UK Olympians appeal for help with stolen medals

LONDON (AP) ? Two British Olympians appealed Thursday for help in recovering a pair of bronze medals that were snatched from a London nightclub.

Rower Alex Partridge and field hockey star Hannah Macleod issued public appeals for the return of the medals, which they earned during the 2012 London Olympics. The thefts reportedly came after Queen Elizabeth II hosted a Buckingham Palace reception in honor of Britain's Olympic team.

"I'm absolutely gutted that my Olympic bronze medal has been stolen," Macleod said in a statement. "Winning it in August was an incredible highlight for me and for this to have happened is simply shattering."

Macleod was a member of the women's team that defeated New Zealand, 3-1.

"While it means everything to me, it has no value to anyone else and I just hope that whoever took it can hand it in or leave it somewhere that means I can get it back," she said.

Partridge, a member of the men's eight rowing team, said his team blazer was also taken.


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How to Prepare for Your Move to Boston - Boston Real Estate Law ...

Moving to Boston? There are many things you need to do to prepare for your move, from researching moving companies to obtaining permits for moving day.

Here's what you need to know:

Finalize your legal paperwork for moving into the house. If you've purchased a house, make sure that escrow will close on or by the day you plan to move in, and make sure you have your keys. If you're renting, confirm with the landlord that the premises are vacant and that you can move in on your proposed moving day. In both cases, make sure that you check the paperwork and satisfy any necessary conditions prior to your moving day. The last thing you want is to be packed and ready to move out of your old place with nowhere to go.

Change your address. You don't want important legal documents, bills or other correspondence to go to the wrong house. Make sure you update your address with the U.S. Postal Service.

Research your mover. The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, Transportation Division, mandates that a moving company be licensed with the Division. The Division also keeps track of moving rates on their website. If you want to check up on a moving company, check out the Division's website or call (617) 305-3559.

Get your Street Occupancy and Moving permits. In Boston, you need to get a Street Occupancy permit to block off part of the street for your move. You can do this by going to City Hall in person between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

You need to go to the Public Works Department in room 715 of City Hall. These permits are typically one-day permits from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

You need to get this permit at least three days before your move if you're moving into a residential area, and at least two days in advance if you're moving in to metered areas. You also need to post signs at least 48 hours prior to your move.

Visit the City of Boston's website for more information on Street Occupancy permits.

Get homeowner's or renter's insurance. This is an important step prior to moving in. It won't necessarily prevent you from moving in, unless your lease or purchase agreement requires it.

This post is part of FindLaw's Legal U series. We are working to help you learn what to do in your city to cope with some of the legal problems, questions, or issues that come up in daily life. Do you have a topic suggestion? Send us a tweet @FindLawConsumer with the hashtag #LegalU and come on back to learn more from future posts in this series.

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Apple releases new MacBook Pro commercial, Colors

Apple has released a new commercial to show off their new 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display. It uses the trademark "start sideways to show how thin it is, then rotate slowly to center to show how stunning the Retina display is." The tagline is "for the pro in all of us."

Aperture is shown off (three times), as well as Safari, iTunes in CoverFlow mode, and Mail. All in full screen, of course. The ad looks solid. Short, to the point, and highlighting the two biggest differentiators between the new generation of MacBooks and the competition -- thinness and Retina display.


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Building an Online Web Design Portfolio: Tools, Themes, and ...

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October 26, 2012 A look at the numerous options for putting together an online web design portfolio, including a list of tools, themes and templates... Comments Off

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Return of the tabletop adventures - The Rebel Yell

Written by: Ryan Henning on October 25, 2012

This article has been read 739 times.

?Tis the season for some creepy-yet-utterly-enjoyable board games for this upcoming Halloween

With Halloween right around the corner, and a giant blowout sale at Little Shop of Magic, located at 4160 S. Durango Drive, I figured it was a good time to blow some money on some appropriately themed board games.


Last Night on Earth

Last Night on Earth, pictured above on left, is a zombie survival game where players play against the board for their lives. In a full six player game, not needed but definitely more fun, two players control the zombies and the other four play as survivors. Survivor turns allow the survivors to roll a D6 (six-sided die) to move, search for provisions, shoot a zombie or just do nothing. Zombie turns work the same with the exception of their movement: Zombies can only move one space, but they are able to move through walls. Ideally, the survivors will have ranged weapons. If not, a zombie or two will more than likely enter the same space as them. At that point, they fight for their lives, trying to either roll doubles to kill the zombie or higher than the zombie roll to knock it back. Last Night on Earth can be played multiple different ways, simply by changing the scenario cards or randomizing the game board itself. The game even comes with a soundtrack to add to the ambiance. All of the art is a perfect blend of real pictures and aftereffects to make all the cards feel an appropriate level of creepy. For a more in-depth look at Last Night on Earth, Wil Wheaton spotlighted the game on ?TableTop.? This game is perfect for any zombie enthusiasts or anybody that loves cooperative gaming.

Resident Evil: Deck Building Game
I?m a huge fan of the Resident Evil series and this deck building game captures all the spirit of the franchise. Players start the game with 10 cards, a couple of ammo cards and a gun in their inventory. Each player plays as a Resident Evil character with their own special abilities. For example, Claire Redfield gains 20 extra damage after she uses a green or red herb. Players always have a hand of 5 cards, so there is a chance that you might not have a weapon. Because of this, players are encouraged to buy items and weapons from the shop using gold, numbers values assigned to certain cards. If a player feels confident in his/her chances they can kick in the door of the mansion. Players flip the top card of the mansion deck and attempt to do more damage to the infected they are fighting than the health they have. If not, they take the appropriate amount of damage and their turn is over. The game ends when a player successfully finds and defeats staple Resident Evil villain Albert Wesker. The game is a fast-paced race that pushes players to plan moves out turns ahead of time. Perfect for any fans of the series or anybody that enjoys strategy or card games.

Admittedly, this one doesn?t fit the ?horror theme? I?ve been creating, but when a game promises a Troll version of Valhalla, you can?t really say no. In Trollhalla, players play as disgruntled trolls sick of working under bridges for meager tolls and the occasional farmer to snack on. You and your fellow players take to the seas looking for plunder strewn across the various islands on the board. Players can put their trolls in two positions, seafaring or scouting. The seafaring position allows the player to place the troll on the most favorable ship on the board. A scouting troll gives a player a Weather God card which can have adverse effects on enemy ships. Players may board the same ships, so the real strategy of the game is what order you get placed into the boat. The order dictates what plunder you receive and ultimately how many points you receive (Noblemen are worth more points than goats). The game ends when all plunder has been taken and the points are tallied. Players can receive bonuses for any number of things (collecting all of the Billy Goats, for example), so the game is more about chance than anything. This game is perfect as a break between ?serious? games or for anybody looking for a fun, more casual game.

I love this game. In Gloom, pictured above on right, players receive one of four different families that all have different quirks. The mechanics are the game is simple. Players take a hand of five cards and attempt to play modifiers that lower their characters self-worth. Once a character has a hefty amount of negative points, players can lay down a card that kills off that character. The game ends when one play successfully kills off all of their family. The other advantage to killing a family member is that it secures the points, as other players can play positive modifiers on your characters. The real draw to the game, and the reason I love it, is that every time a player plays a card, they must create a story behind the move. Say you?re playing ?drowned by drink? on ?Cousin James,? you would need to explain what drove Cousin James to get to the point he was ?drowned by drink.? The game is less about the cards and more about creating rich, depressing stories for your characters. The game gets really fun once other players start playing positive modifiers on your characters and have to play off your previously created back story. On top of that almost all of the cards are hilariously alliterated which makes them brilliant to say aloud. This game is perfect for anybody that loves dark humor, telling stories or is an English major.


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Can California remain the world's movie capital?

by Adam B. Vary.

?Movies? and ?Hollywood? have long been twins in the American imagination, like ?politics? and ?Washington,? and ?theater? and ?Broadway.? Every major studio is headquartered in southern California, with vast soundstages taking up thousands of square feet. Most movie stars keep at least one palatial home in the greater Los Angeles area. And, of course, since 1929, the town has played home to the biggest movie event of the year, the Academy Awards.

There?s just one nagging problem: For years now, many of the year?s biggest and most acclaimed movies have barely been made in Hollywood, greater Los Angeles, or California ? if at all. Thanks in part to?generous tax breaks in states like Louisiana and New York ? not to mention countries like Canada and Australia ? feature film production in the Los Angeles area dropped an estimated 41 percent from 1996 to 2007,?according to production data from the non-for-profit organization FilmL.A.

That steady march of film production out of California prompted the state legislature to pass a tax break plan of its own in 2009, which Gov. Jerry Brown just renewed for two more years this week. The plan offers up to $100 million in tax credits per year, but the biggest question now is, will that be enough to bring filmmaking back to its former SoCal glory?

Read the rest of this article from InsideMovies.

Sign up now for your own FREE monthly subscription to ?The Director?s Chair? filmmaking ezine and get the first 30 pages of my 238 page Film Directing Multi-Media Online course, ?The Art and Craft of the Director Audio Seminar.?


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Watch Felix Baumgartner's space dive live right here at 9:30AM ET (update: more delays)

Watch Felix Baumgartner's space dive live right here at 8:30AM EDT (video)

Weather may have delayed Felix Baumgartner's record-breaking "space dive" by another (no doubt torturous) 24 hours, but all going well, the wait is almost over. In just over an hour, proceedings will kick off, and you can watch them live, right here. The latest reports indicated that conditions remain favorable, with the team sending a weather balloon up into the stratosphere earlier this morning. The fun begins at 8:30am eastern, but all you need to do is grab a coffee then head past the break for the live feed.

Update: Pre-flight checks have postponed the set off. Earliest launch is now set for 12:30PM ET

Continue reading Watch Felix Baumgartner's space dive live right here at 9:30AM ET (update: more delays)

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Watch Felix Baumgartner's space dive live right here at 9:30AM ET (update: more delays) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 09 Oct 2012 07:21:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Accessory Business to Donate Portion of Sales to Breast Cancer ...

To the style conscious, accessories can make or break an outfit. And as any fashionista knows, the shopping experience can add to the fun. ?

That?s why Cathleen Cuneo, a Port Washington resident, is re-launching?Rita Wilcox Accessories. Along with business partner Caroline Babina, Cuneo describes this new venture as a company that offers shoppers the chance to bid on ?limited pieces of a bunch of really cool very trendy pieces with unbelievable prices ? earrings, bags, bracelets [and] scarves.?

These offerings will be available on?Facebook, Tuesdays from 8-9 p.m. Directions on how to register and bid are on the?Rita Wilcox Accessories Facebook page. Cuneo recommends pre-registering, before the auction begins, so that shoppers already input their information into the database. That way, shoppers can?"literally just type SOLD under the item, and the first ones to do it 'wins' the item," she said.

?The fastest clickers will win the pieces that they want, making it a fun way to spend an hour of down time on Tuesday nights,? she added.

Shoppers will receive their goods in time for the weekend, Cuneo said.

Each month, the company will donate a portion of the proceeds to a worthy nonprofit. In October, Cuneo said, the company is donating money to Manhasset Women?s Coalition Against Breast Cancer, a nonprofit?whose programs include an outreach program, fundraising for research and education.

Cuneo said ?Rita Wilcox? is a name with which many in Port Washington and surrounding communities are already familiar.?

?Rita Wilcox is known by everyone,? Cuneo said. ?She was a vendor at everything,? including school fashion shows, holiday fairs and ladies night events. ?

?She was in other towns as well,? Cuneo said. ?She always had the best accessories.?

The new venture pays tribute to Wilcox, whom Cuneo said moved out of New York and passed away at an early age.

?This is a re-launch of her type of accessories,? Cuneo said. And the forum ? Tuesday night shopping on Facebook ? makes it what Cuneo calls a "Girls Night In" kind of event.


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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fears about global economy push dollar higher


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Michael Rooker talks James Gunn?s Guardians Of The Galaxy

With James Gunn now officially confirmed as the director of Marvel?s Guardians Of The Galaxy, attention is now turning to who he might cast in the production, with regular collaborator Michael Rooker putting himself forward for every role going.

?All of them,? he answered, when asked which character he would like to play. ?I?d play the racoon guy. I?d play the tree guy. They?re all very cool characters! But, I don?t know. Marvel and Gunn have their own thing going on. It?s very secretive.

?But we?re still friends, so we hang out and talk,? he continues. ?Whenever I?m in town, we get together. So, I know he?s very busy and working real hard on the rewrite and getting everything set to go. It?s always a pleasure to work with him, so whatever happens, happens.
?Gunn is always thinking of his friends and the people that he?s worked with,? says Rooker. ?He?s quite a loyal director, and he?s a good friend, as well. He?s always, ?Well, maybe Rooker can do this one. I think he?d like to do this.? I?m sure he?s thought of me, so we?ll see.??

Over to you then, James. Help a brother out! Guardians Of The Galaxy opens in the US on 1 August 2014.


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Monday, October 8, 2012

Nationals deal Cards Game 1 loss

Pinch-hit single in 8th delivers 3-2 win after Mattheus pitches out of huge jam

Image: Tyler MooreAP

Nationals pinch hitter Tyler Moore watches his two-RBI single during the eighth inning in Game 1 of the NLDS against the Cardinals on Sunday in St. Louis.

Associated Press Sports

updated 6:49 p.m. ET Oct. 7, 2012

ST. LOUIS - Rookies in the postseason, the Washington Nationals played like poised veterans.

The Nationals escaped a bases-loaded jam in the seventh inning, pinch hitter Tyler Moore blooped a two-out, two-run single in the eighth and Washington beat the defending World Series champion St. Louis Cardinals 3-2 Sunday in an NL playoff opener.

The Nationals, who had never come close to making the playoffs since moving from Montreal for the 2005 season, overcame a wild start by 21-game winner Gio Gonzalez.

Reliever Ryan Mattheus needed just two pitches to bail out the Nationals in the seventh with St. Louis ahead 2-1. Tyler Clippard worked around an error in the eighth and Drew Storen saved it with a 1-2-3 ninth.

The NL East champion Nationals led the majors with 98 wins this season, and brought postseason baseball to Washington for the first time since 1933. The Nats go for a 2-0 series lead Monday when Jordan Zimmermann opposes Jaime Garcia.

The Cardinals made it to the best-of-five division series by beating Atlanta in the wild-card matchup Friday. But St. Louis wasted a 10-strikeout gem by Adam Wainwright, failing to capitalize enough on Gonzalez's career high-tying seven walks and frustrating its towel-waving fans.

A standing room crowd of 47,078, among the largest at 7-year-old Busch Stadium, bundled up for a game that began in 54-degree chill and featured kaleidoscope late-afternoon shadows that bedeviled hitters for several innings.

Rookie shortstop Pete Kozma misplayed Michael Morse's grounder for an error to open the eighth and set up the Nationals' go-ahead rally. Ian Desmond followed with a single off Mitchell Boggs for his third hit of the game, putting runners at the corners.

Danny Espinsoa sacrificed, leaving runners at second and third, and Kurt Suzuki struck out. In a series of moves, the Nationals sent up Chad Tracy to pinch hit, the Cardinals switched to lefty Marc Rzepczynski and Washington subbed in Moore, who had two of their three pinch homers this season.

Moore poked an outside pitch to right field and both runners scored easily.

Wainwright became the first Cardinals pitcher to reach double digits in strikeouts since Bob Gibson also fanned 10 to beat the Tigers in Game 4 of the 1968 World Series.

Wainwright was a 14-game winner coming off reconstructive elbow surgery that sidelined him all of 2011, with 10 of the wins coming at home. He's been a postseason ace with a microscopic 0.77 ERA and 32 strikeouts in 23 1-3 innings.

He fanned Bryce Harper and Ryan Zimmerman twice each and seventh-place hitter Espinosa all three times.

Gonzalez allowed just one hit in five innings, on David Freese's full-count bouncer between third and short to start the fourth. But he had trouble finding catcher Kurt Suzuki's glove.

The second inning was Gonzalez' shakiest when he allowed the Cardinals to score twice and take the lead without a hit. Gonzalez walked four of the first five hitters, putting St. Louis in position to score one run on a wild pitch and a second on Jon Jay's bases-loaded sacrifice fly.

Nationals right fielder Jayson Werth robbed Daniel Descalso of a two-run homer off with a leaping catch to keep it at 2-1 in the sixth. Descalso had a fielding gem of his own in the seventh, ranging far to his left to glove Harper's grounder and then throwing him out by a few steps.

NOTES: The Cardinals went 0 for 8 with runners in scoring position. ... Garcia was 4-2 with a 2.82 ERA in nine starts at home. The lefty has a 2.48 career ERA at Busch. ... Gonzalez also walked seven on June 11, 2011, when he was with Oakland against the White Sox. ... Kozma committed one error in 26 games after taking over as the regular SS in September for injured Rafael Furcal.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Nationals deal Cards Game 1 loss

??The Washington Nationals broke through in the eighth inning against the St. Louis Cardinals on Sunday to take a 3-2 victory and a 1-0 lead in the National League Division Series.

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Most good ways of making money on the internet - Business ...

This would be a dream of all of making money on the internet. The cause for this is the comfort of your home and you always remain your own boss, isn?t it? You can work flexibly in your time with the will of your heart. Also, you do not have to worry about wandering out to seek a far better job, because online income can always be fantastic for you and in a short time. Some of the best ways of making money online are mentioned below.

Get paid for writing

Do you think that you have good writing skills?, then you can effortlessly be successful in making money on the internet from home. There are many online publishers who earn by writing articles and content material for their own website or for others. Writing has become a fantastic need on internet due to the content material based websites that play a very important role in the globe of online information. The Self-employed writers get paid for writing and be able to write-up, however, there are many forums and pay per post websites where the members can earn in little amounts too.

Earn by blogging

Blogging is one of the popular ways of earning online to make a company on internet. Many people have been already successful in having popular websites, where they add beneficial content to their blogs in order to remain interactive with the visitors. Blogging is one of the common ways of making money on the internet from home because, one can effortlessly upload the written content, images, videos, and audios to the blog to make it more attractive and interesting. Most of the earning is done by online advertisements that can be added to the website, once it is ready. Many bloggers have been making their living by creating an online website.

Get paid by selling

Next popular way of making business online is by selling the products. The users can either sell their own goods or the products of other businesses to earn online. Making money on the internet from home in this way can make you rich within a short time, if you have a good knowledge of internet marketing. One can make profit by selling their products or by becoming an affiliate, where you get paid by commissions for easy sales.

Earn by typing

There are many beneficial and interesting typing jobs that can help you in making money on the internet from home. These typing jobs include the data connection work and the transcription jobs where the typing speed needs to be excellent. However, those who have a lower or usual typing speed need not worry because there are many free online tools that help you in improving your typing skills. One can effortlessly earn per page of typing or per audio mines of the transcription in these jobs.

There are no get rich quick ways of making money on the internet, and most of the goods you see stating that you can make $5,000 a day within two weeks are rip-offs. Why would anyone sell you the secrets of making thousands per day for a mere $37? If they are making that much money why are they bothering to tell all people how they do it? These types of get rich quick schemes are very likely the rip-offs and ought to be avoided.

Anyhow, there are genuine ways of making money on the internet, but they will not get you tons of money in a matter of days, and require a lot of hard work before you can start earning a decent amount. There are various methods for earning a living online, and it is up to you to decide which one suits you the most. If you are a fairly decent, be able to write, you can try one of the many sites that allow you to join for free, where you can write articles and post them on the site and get a share of the advertising revenue. Some of the popular ones are Squidoo, Hubpages, bukisa and lnfobarrel.

Building your own website

Build your own website and start making money on the internet by advertising goods and gain profit from the affiliate marketing, as well as getting paid from ads and PPC programs you place on your site. An example would be, to build a site about toys, then join an associate marketing program selling toys and get affiliate links to their goods. You would then write articles about these products and insert the links into the article. If someone is reading your write-up, then clicks on the link and buys the product, you get a percentage of the commission.

This will cost you some money on hosting and domains, but this is generally a tiny investment. The costly part is making the site; in case you do not know how to do it then you need to pay someone to make it for you. One way close to this is by utilizing a free WordPress blog, which does most of the hard work for you. You only put the reports on the sites and start generating links and encourage your site for increased Google rankings.

Other revenue sharing sites

Websites such as Squidoo or Hubpages allow you to place your own desired written content and they pay you a share of the revenue that is made with your articles. In the case of Squidoo, the pages you create are termed as lenses and you are free to share pretty much anything you want, from articles to photos or videos. The lens is made up of modules, which are very easy to modify and you can earn money from Amazon or eBay products or get a percentage of the ad pool income reliant on your lens ranking.

Hubpages is very similar to Squidoo, but slight differences in style and functionality. There are many more of the similar sites popping up all the time. The advantages of employing such sites are that they are free to use and they generally give you a lot of advices on how to begin creating your content and how to optimize it to make the most of it.

Roger Smith is a free lance writer and he has written many articles on internet marketing strategies plan.


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